St Clare's celebrates Jubilee Garden

Staff and students at St Clare’s Catholic Primary School at Officer celebrated the official blessing and opening of the School’s new Jubilee Garden on Thursday, 3 November 2022.

Reverend Janeesh Jose, Parish Priest at St Patrick's Parish, Pakenham officially blessed the native garden and outdoor learning space while Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale, Ms Maria Kirkwood, and Federal Member for Latrobe, Mr Jason Wood MP, unveiled the plaque to officially open the garden.

The project was made possible through a $20,000 grant from the Federal Government’s Planting Trees for the Queen’s Jubilee Program. The program supports community-based tree planting events across Australia in commemoration of the late Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee.

Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale, Ms Maria Kirkwood, congratulated the School community for bringing this wonderful outdoor play and learning resource to fruition.

“It is wonderful to witness the development of St Clare’s Catholic Primary School since its opening in 2015 and to thank so many people for their passion and drive in making projects like this Jubilee Garden happen.”

“The excitement on the student’s faces today reflects their pride in showcasing their school to their community. This garden enhances the school grounds, increases biodiversity and provides another healthy outdoor area for students to enjoy and learn in.”

St Clare’s Catholic Primary School Principal, Ms Helen Staindl, thanked staff, students, families and the school community for supporting the Jubilee Garden project.

“The grant enabled the school to engage the expertise of landscape architects to create an exceptional garden space that will grow year in year out. The garden features native trees and shrubs and is irrigated to ensure its longevity. We hope this new garden will in turn become a Jubilee Forest - creating a shaded space for students to play.”

Ms Staindl thanked everyone who supported the school to create the Jubilee Garden.

“It has been a fantastic project to bring our school community together after COVID lockdowns and something that our staff and students can enjoy for years to come.”

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