Bishop Greg Bennet's
Advent Message
In this video message, Catholic Bishop of Sale Most Reverend Greg Bennet invites us to embrace the spirit of Advent 2024, a time of reflection, hope and preparation for the coming of Christ.
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Warmest Blessings as we commence Advent and prepare to celebrate Christmas this year.
Today I welcome you from the Parish of St Patricks, Pakenham which was recently renovated and reopened and consecrated in August.
One of the joys of being the Bishop of Sale is moving around the parish primary schools, the colleges, the parishes seeing people at work every day living their faith.
This year, one story. When I was in Orbost, I celebrated the feast of Saint Mary McKillop with the young people and parishioners on that day. During the Homily, I asked the young children what would be the gift that Mary McKillop would want us to take to our hearts on the feast?
A young girl stood up with a big smile on her face and she said, ‘Bishop Greg Mary MacKillop would want us to create a space where Jesus could live in our hearts’.
As we approach Advent, I think that’s a beautiful phrase that I will hang onto as a sign of hope for us. We are a people of hop and gratitude.
We are called to create a space where Jesus can live.
Behind me is a beautiful image of Our Lady here at St Patrick's Pakenham. Our Lady holds her son Jesus out to us and he has his arms out stretched.
As we think about the year we’ve had - the joys and celebrations, the life giving moments, we are also mindful of some of the challenges particularly in the world at this time
We are mindful of some of the challenges of violence and war.
Pope Francis keeps speaking to us. There are no sides in war, he says, the only side is peace.
As we prepare to walk into Advent, may we take the time to once again think about the hope that we bear to the world.
What is it we are called to be for one another and how do we create a space where Jesus can live?
As we take the journey of Advent we go with Luke’s Gospel. We will hear of Mary’s Annunciation to be the mother of the Son of God, and Joseph to be his father, and their journey to Bethlehem.
We are mindful of that humble birth of the fragile baby of Bethlehem, Emmanuel God who is with us.
May Advent and Christmas be a time of joy for you.
And for those who grieve the loss of loved one, may you hold their memory tight to your heart, and may the God of peace who had come to us in Jesus Christ, be your for your gift.
Advent is a time of hope and expectation and may Christmas be for us a time of joy.