A Helping Hand for Graduates

19 April 2021

First-year teachers from Catholic schools across the Diocese of Sale recently gathered to attend a program designed to support their entry into the profession.

The first day of the Diocese of Sale Graduate Induction and Mentor Program was held at the Drouin Golf Club, and was attended by 45 graduate teachers from Catholic primary and secondary schools. The agenda for the day was full of activities, as graduates were introduced to each other and the governing body for Catholic schools in the Sale Diocese, Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd (DOSCEL).

Ms Maria Kirkwood, Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale, said that supporting teachers to develop expert practice is a key area of focus.

“We know that the first few years of a teacher’s career can be a challenging time. There’s a lot for graduates to absorb and adapt to as they make the transition from university to the classroom. Our graduate induction and mentoring program is a wonderful opportunity for early career teachers to learn more about the priorities and context of Catholic education, with guidance from a committed mentor,” she said.

Each graduate teacher enrolled in the program will be paired with an experienced mentor from their school, who will support the graduates as they work towards becoming fully registered teachers. Mentors involved in the program also receive training and support.

“The graduate program is one of several development opportunities offered by DOSCEL, as part of our ongoing commitment to strengthen the capability of staff members in every Catholic school in our Diocese.

“It’s wonderful to see new graduates joining our vibrant Catholic education community. I look forward to getting to know them as we work together to achieve our mission,” Ms Kirkwood said.

The Diocese of Sale Graduate Induction and Mentor Program is run in partnership with the Victorian Institute of Teaching.