Research in Catholic Schools Policy
Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd (DOSCEL) values high quality and ethical research that aims to improve the outcomes of students, staff and families in Catholic school communities.
It is expected that when researchers conduct research in Catholic schools, they do so on the basis that the findings may assist to improve student outcomes and increase school effectiveness. Research in areas beyond the immediate concerns of schools should be conducted only when it can be demonstrated that the findings may have a potential benefit for the participants themselves.
The data held by DOSCEL is collected from Catholic schools for accountability requirements of governments and for the purpose of providing leadership and support services to schools. Individuals and organisations seeking access to DOSCEL data collections will need to demonstrate that release of the data will have potential benefit for students in Catholic schools.
The purpose of this document is to assist researchers plan their research project and submit an application to conduct research in Catholic schools in the Diocese of Sale that meets DOSCEL requirements and expectations.