Child Safety Week 2024
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Resources for Schools and Parishes
Conversation starters poster
General Poster
National Catholic Safeguarding Standards Poster
Child Safe Standards Poster
Resources for Families Poster
Social Media Tiles
Hashtag Collection: Paste the following hashtags onto the bottom of your social post captions to increase awareness.
#ChildSafetyWeek #CatholicEducation #SafeguardingOurChildren #SafeSchools #ChildSafety #SafetyFirst #CatholicSchools #SafeEnvironment #ChildWellbeing #SafeLearning #ChildAdvocacy #SafeCommunity #CatholicValues #ChildSafetyPolicy #SafeGuarding #ChildSafetyMatters #CatholicFaith #EveryConversationMatters #ChildSafetyWeek2024 #EveryChildMatters #DOSCEL
Newsletter Banner
School Resources Booklet
2024 Theme
Overarching message: ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’
This year National Child Protection Week will continue to champion the message ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’.
This message captures the essence of National Child Protection Week which aims to promote a safe and supported life for every child, now and into the future.
Many of our supporters may choose to continue to focus on this overarching message. However, many of our partners tell us that they value having a fresh annual theme to focus their local conversations each year.
So…. to build on last year’s theme of ‘Where we start matters’, this year’s theme will be: ‘Every conversation matters’.
Commission for Children and Young People
📱1300 782 978
E Safety Commission
Victoria Police:
📱131 444
DFFH Child Protection
📱1300 555 526
The Orange Door and Family Services
Victorian Safe Standards
Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd