To support teachers in Catholic schools, the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria (CECV) requires them to be accredited in line with the CECV Accreditation Policy:
Leaders and teachers in Catholic schools play an essential part in seeking to ensure that students experience a quality education, and are invited to encounter God and develop their knowledge and appreciation of the Catholic faith and tradition.
The accreditation process aims to support leaders and teachers entering and continuing service in Catholic education to develop the knowledge and skills that will support authentic witness in and across all Victorian Catholic schools.
Leaders and teachers entering Catholic education without being accredited to teach in a Catholic school are granted a five-year period from the commencement of employment to secure their accreditation.
There are two levels of accreditation in recognition of the different roles that leaders and teachers undertake:
1. Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School (gain and maintain)
2. Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School (gain and maintain).
All teachers are required to gain and maintain Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School.
All teachers of Religious Education and leaders are required to gain and maintain Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School. (Note: Meeting the study and currency requirements of Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School also satisfies the requirements of Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School.)
Requirements for Gaining and Maintaining Accreditation
* While this provision concerns teachers new to Catholic education, current teachers may pursue Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School at any stage of their career.
# ‘Balance’ for Level 1 accreditation requires a minimum of 5 hours of professional learning in each category, and for Level 2 accreditation requires a minimum of 10 hours of professional learning in each category.
Accreditation Categories
The following categories apply to gaining and maintaining Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School, and maintaining Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School.
A. The aims and objectives of the Catholic school
B. Catholic curriculum꙳, Religious Education and faith development
C. Catholic identity, culture, tradition and theology (including prayer, liturgy, scripture and Catholic social teaching).
꙳ ‘Catholic Curriculum’ refers to the Catholic context and teachings related to learning areas other than Religious Education (e.g. Catholic teaching on bio-ethics in relation to the Science curriculum).
Course for Accreditation to Teach Religious Education or Lead in a Catholic School
Certificate of Religious Education - Diocese of Sale
DOSCEL Certificate of Religious Education - Unit Outline
DOSCEL Certificate of Religious Education - Program 2021
To enrol register online for each unit via OPL on the CEVN website.
Course for Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School
This course is only for teachers in Catholic schools who are not teaching Religious Education.
Accreditation to Teach in a Catholic School - Program 2021
To register online click here
Teachers Applying for Accreditation
If you are a teacher working in the Catholic system and wish to apply for Accreditation, please apply through the following link
If you are a teacher not presently working in the Catholic system and you wish to apply for Accreditation, please contact
Schools or External Providers Applying for Professional Learning Approval
If you are a Catholic School applying to have your Professional Learning approved for Accreditation purposes, please apply through TAP.
If you are an External Provider applying to have your Professional Learning approved for Accreditation purposes, please click on the following link
Training Manuals
For enquiries regarding accreditation, please contact: