St Angela’s Primary School celebrates Stage 2 building project


Photo above from left: Mrs Cathy Jenkins and Emeritus Professor Gabrielle McMullen - Board Directors of Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL), Malaika, Billy and Isabella - student leaders, Mr Justin Greenwood - Principal of St Angela of the Cross Catholic Primary School, Warragul,  Fr Brendan Hogan - Parish Priest Warragul and Drouin Parish, Mr Matthew Cassin - CEO Catholic Development Fund, Fr Peter Slater - retired Parish Priest, Mr John Swan - Board Director of Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL), Mr Paul Velten - Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale. 

July 2024

St Angela’s Primary School celebrates Stage 2 building project


Staff and students at St Angela of the Cross Primary School at Warragul were thrilled to celebrate the Blessing and official opening of Stage 2 of the school’s Masterplan Development.

Fr Brendan Hogan - Parish Priest of the Warragul and Drouin Parish,  officially Blessed and opened the new facilities. He was joined by Emeritus Professor Gabrielle McMullen, Mrs Cathy Jenkins and Mr John Swan - Board Directors of Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Limited (DOSCEL), Mr Paul Velten - Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale, Mr Justin Greenwood - Principal, along with staff, students, invited guests, and friends of the school and parish community.   

The new Stage 2 building project, completed in 2023, has created eight additional general learning areas, a specialist art room, break out rooms, a canteen, student amenities, outdoor learning spaces and landscaping.

Principal, Mr Justin Greenwood said the project had been transformative for the school which opened its doors in January 2021 and has steadily grown in enrolments.


“This contemporary light-filled building incorporates flexible classroom design, state of the art ICT infrastructure, high quality acoustics, display space for student work and substantial storage. The building provides a warm and engaging area for modern teaching and learning practices to staff and students to thrive.”


Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale, Mr Paul Velten commended the efforts of the project team, school, and parish community.


“To witness the growth of St Angela’s over the past three years is testament to the commitment and vision of DOSCEL, the school and parish community to provide excellent education opportunities to families in the growing West Gippsland community. These new facilities are providing the necessary resources and spaces for students to thrive academically, spiritually, and socially.”


The building project at a total cost of approximately $4.9 million was supported by a $3 million funding grant from the Australian Government Capital Grants Program, and a $1.9 million loan from the Catholic Development Fund (CDF).


A congratulatory message from Hon. Jason Clare MP, Federal Minister for Education, was read to the community.


Mr Velten thanked the Australian Government, and the Catholic Development Fund (CDF) for their support of the project.

About St Angela of the Cross Primary School

St Angela of the Cross Primary School opened its doors in January 2021 and is the second Catholic primary school in the Warragul Parish serving the needs of families seeking a faith- filled education for their children.

The school is named in honour of St Angela of the Cross, who lived in Spain from 1846-1932 and dedicated her life to prayer and service to others. The school upholds the teachings of Jesus Christ and aims to provide students with values that will enrich their lives.

Students and families of all backgrounds and faiths are welcome at St Angela’s.

Media Inquiries:

DOSCEL Media and Communications team 0417 534 232

Photo above from left: Fr Brendan Hogan - Parish Priest Warragul and Drouin Parish, Malaika, Isabella and Billy - Student leaders - St Angela of the Cross Catholic Primary School.