Child Safety Week

Catholic schools and parishes across the Diocese of Sale will unite to celebrate Child Safety Week from 3-10 September 2023.

This year, Catholic schools and parishes are sharing their innovative child safety projects through a video and resource titled, Child Safety in Action in the Diocese of Sale.

The Bishop of Sale, Most Reverend Greg Bennet and Director of Catholic Education for the Diocese of Sale, Mr Paul Velten commend Catholic schools and parishes in the Diocese of Sale for their efforts to keep young people safe. Many of the projects in this video have been developed by young people with the support of their schools and parishes which reflect the Victorian Child Safe Standard 3: Student voice and empowerment.

To share the video:

To use an Embed code for video:  copy the following code and paste it into your school newsletter or social platforms

<div style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0; position:relative;"><iframe frameborder="0" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen style="position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:100%; height:100%;" src="" allow="autoplay"></iframe></div>

Child Safety Week 2023 Resources for schools: 

Child Safety Week Poster

Child Safety Week Poster 2

Child Safety Week Poster 3

Newsletter Banner

Social Media Tile

2023 School Resource Booklet  'Child Safety in Action in the Diocese of Sale' - describes school and parish Child Safety projects in more detail.

2023 Child Safety Resources for schools

Media Release - Catholic Schools Celebrate Child Safety Projects 

Here's how we celebrated last year in 2022 

Best Entry Posters Child Safety Week 2022 

Winning Poster Designs 2022: 

Top left: Ava Carew St Laurence O’Toole Primary School, Leongatha 

Top Centre: Janine Robinson Lumen Christi Primary School, Churchill

Top Right : Julia Lindsay, Sam Carmichael and Maya Garlick Mary MacKillop Catholic Regional College, Leongatha 

Below left: Natalie Kokab and Summer Magee Mary MacKillop Primary School, Narre Warren North 

Below Centre:  Mia Varsaci Morwell Catholic Parish - Sacred Heart Church 

Child Safety Week in the Diocese of Sale will run from 4-11 September, 2022.

The theme for this year is, Every child in every community needs a fair go.